Ticket to ride: Northern lights
Welcome to the North! While traveling through Finland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark, you will get to know the most beautiful places in the Nordic countries.
Let op! Dit spel is alleen met Deense, Finse, Noorse en Zweedse spelregels, er is GEEN Engelstalige versie van.
Vanaf 8 jaar / 2-5 spelers / +/- 30-60 min.
Relax in the bustle of the countries' port cities or be charmed by the wonderful fjords on the north side of the Arctic Circle. Build railways through the forests, countryside and fells that mark the region. Establish ferry lines between the picturesque Turku archipelago and the colorful city of Bergen. Create the greatest transport network in Pohjola!
- 1 speelbord
- 200 gekleurde treinen (40 per kleur)
- 114 treinkaarten
- 55 routekaarten
- 11 bonuskaarten
- 5 scoremarkers
- handleiding met regels (alleen Deens, Fins, Noors, Zweeds)
Artikelcode: DOW720937
Auteur: Alan R. Moon
EAN Code: 824968209370